This is the shop that I modelled for Diagon alley, here I have kept the textures on the shop as it gives a better understanding of what it would look like in real life. Some of the elements to the shop are modelled separately and were put together when I decided to texture it. The bricks on the edge of the shop were modelled and then duplicated, once I had duplicated them, I then decided to make a row of them and duplicate again so they fit all around the shop. When I started to model the windows it turned out easier to do the frames for them and then put the glass texture on afterwards, at points it became tricky as often not all the windows would line up as they should but eventually, this was a problem that I was able to overcome. The texture that I got for the windows was off substance share but instead of being patterned it was a plain glass sheet, once I put this into substance it became clear that I would have to mess around with the opacity of the glass to try and get ...